
Social Media


4 months

DesignCube Website in Framer
DesignCube Website in Framer
DesignCube Website in Framer

The #BEWEAR campaign delved into the intersection of street fashion and professional attire, challenging the notion that business casual must be conservative and formal. Through a comprehensive social media campaign and newsletter, we explored the history and cultural impact of street style, advocating for its integration into workplace environments. By showcasing diverse perspectives and inspiring authentic self-expression, the project aimed to foster a more inclusive and accepting professional culture.


To address the limitations of traditional business attire, we embarked on a project that celebrated the fusion of personal style and professionalism. The campaign focused on highlighting the journey of street fashion and its evolving influence on workplace norms. By sharing insightful content and engaging with our audience, we aimed to inspire a shift towards a more inclusive and authentic professional aesthetic.


Our vision was to redefine professionalism for a modern, diverse workforce. We sought to empower individuals to express their unique identities through their attire, challenging outdated dress codes and fostering a more inclusive workplace culture. By showcasing the value of personal style in professional settings, we aimed to inspire positive change and promote a more accepting environment for all.

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Navigating a world where traditional norms collide with modern values presents unique challenges. The project required careful consideration of cultural sensitivities, industry standards, and evolving perceptions of professionalism. Overcoming these challenges involved extensive research, thoughtful planning, and a commitment to fostering meaningful conversations about inclusivity and self-expression.


A primary challenge was overcoming the resistance to change within traditional corporate cultures. Many organizations are rooted in outdated dress codes and hierarchical structures that discourage individuality and creativity. Additionally, there was a need to address potential biases and stereotypes associated with street fashion, ensuring that the campaign promoted inclusivity and avoided reinforcing harmful perceptions.

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The project adopted a user-centric approach, focusing on the needs and experiences of our target audience. Through research and engagement, we identified key pain points, such as feeling constrained by restrictive dress codes and a lack of representation in professional settings. This understanding guided our design decisions, ensuring that the campaign resonated with our audience and offered relevant solutions.


Our target audience sought a platform that validated their style and challenged traditional notions of professionalism. They desired resources and inspiration to navigate workplace environments while maintaining their unique identity. Additionally, they expressed a need for a sense of community and support from like-minded individuals who shared similar experiences.

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